Thursday, May 02, 2024
Light is especially appreciated after the dark.

- Hasdai -

Daily Sayings

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Israel is likened to a vine, to teach us that just as a vine has large and small clusters of grapes, the larger ones hanging lower than the smaller ones, so too is Israel, (the greater the person the more profound his humility)

To be meek does not mean that one should disgrace himself in any matter or allow himself to be tread upon by others. To be meek means, instead, that one should be gentle in word and deed to all people...

How grievous a sin is shaming another! The Torah has warned us that even when we must chastise our fellow man, we should not shame him at the same time, as it is said, You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and do not bear sin because of him. That is to say chastise him in a way which instructs him in the way of life, but do not shame him.

Wisdom, per-se, is not the main thing; rather the main thing is to straighten out ones character traits. Just as the tree itself is not the main thing, but for the fruit.

A tongue is the quill of the heart.

Since death and life are in the power of the tongue (Mishlei 18:21), one who loves to speak should ensure to limit himself to words of wisdom, instructions for moral living, truth, and peace.

In order to further the cause of peace, the Sages commanded that a person must be sure to greet his fellow man... A Sage of the Talmud (R'Yochanan ben Zaccai) praised himself by saying,"No man, not even a non-Israelite, saluted me first."

A little light dispels much darkness.


Daily Tehillim Effort

The world is in serious trouble...

We can try to help it by collectively saying the entire sefer Tehillim daily. Click the link to select one or more to participate.

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We are trying to have the whole Sefer Tehillim said daily as a z'chus for the safety of the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

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