Wednesday, March 08, 2023
Men's eyes and ears don't always depend on willpower, but a men's tongue is always subject to his will.

- Zohar -

Daily Sayings

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A man should remember three things: that he has only one day to live; that he has only the page before him to study; and that he is the only Jew on whom the survival of Torah depends.

The profits of compromise are nothing compared to its loses.

When the going seems rough, look at the jewels you are carrying.

Hashem made man superior to animals by endowing him with the faculty of speech. One who misuses this ability becomes inferior to animals, since they at least cannot cause any damage with words.

Although it is commendable to keep speech to a minimum; if you see someone sad and distressed, it is a great mitzvah to boost his spirits by conversing with him.

Through Shmiras Haloshon one is blessed with the precious quality of peace.

Life is an ongoing struggle with ones evil inclination. One must forever be poised with for battle and never discouraged by failure.

It is the power of speech which defines mans essence and distinguishes him from other creatures.

Shmiras Haloshon is a key to fulfillment of ones obligations both towards Hashem and toward his fellow Jew.

One must strive to attain spiritual goals in the way that he would seek the greatest that this world has to offer.

A person who avoids loshon hora and utilizes his power of speech in a positive way is forever enhancing the spiritual power of his words. Thus, the Torah study and prayer which emanate from his lips are endowed with an exhalted spiritual light.

Only the person himself has the power to correct his past mistakes.

Hashem is not overbearing with his children. Every Jew, without exception, is capable of spiritual growth and success.

At the moment one expresses a judgment of his fellows actions, he is determining the way in which he himself will be judged by the Heavenly Court.

With faith, there are no questions; without faith, there are no answers.

It is no challenge to die like a Jew; the real challenge is to live like Jew.

The more a man understands, the more is expected of him.

If a person guards his speech, others will learn and emulate him, and he will thus be rewarded for that merit also.

The trip is never too hard if you know you are going home.

Nothing is as lost as lost time.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, a persons tongue is more powerful than his sword. A sword can only kill someone who is nearby; a tongue can cause the death of someone who is far away.

An undeserved title brings more shame than honor.

If a suit doesnt fit, it may be because you have grown smaller.


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