Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried

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Chapter 168 : Chapter 168 Images That are Forbidden Sefaria Logo

§1 Sefaria Logo
It is written: "You shall not make with Me gods of silver."1Exodus 20:23. Our Rabbis, of blessed memory, received by tradition2Maseches Avodah Zara 43b. that this verse is a command not to draw pictures of objects of the heavens above or the spheres below. You shall not make anything resembling My "attendants" that minister before Me. Therefore, it is forbidden to draw a picture of the "four faces" on the Chariot,3See Yechezkiel 1. the images of the Seraphim,4Various types of angels. Ophanim,4Various types of angels. and the ministering angels. It is also forbidden to draw pictures of the sun, the moon, and the stars. Even if they are not in relief, it is forbidden to make them,5Ramban, Ran, Taz, Shulchan Aruch 141:4 maintains that these are only forbidden when in relief. even when made for a non-Jew. However, it is permissible to keep them in your house, if they are not in relief. You must not tell a non-Jew to make them, because telling a non-Jew (to do a prohibited act) is forbidden in regard to all prohibited acts, as it is pertaining to acts prohibited on Shabbos.
§2 Sefaria Logo
It is also forbidden to sculpture the image of a person. It is prohibited to sculpture even the face of a person, and it is even forbidden to keep it in your house, unless you disfigure it to some extent. However, only a full face is forbidden,6With regard to the sun etc., also, only when full is it forbidden. (Taz) that is, when it has two eyes and a complete nose,7The Ramah 141:7 says the prevailing custom is to permit sculpturing the image of a person so long as some part of the body is incomplete, but a head without a body or a body without a head is permitted. The Sheloh says its better not to permit it. The Shach 141:32 says one who is strict about it will be blessed. but if it is only half a face, a profile, like some artists who form one side of the (picture) face, it is not forbidden.
§3 Sefaria Logo
If a ring has a seal on it, consisting of a person's image, and the image was made in relief, you are forbidden to keep it; but it is permissible to seal with it because then the signature becomes depressed. If the image on the ring is depressed, you may keep the ring, but you are forbidden to seal with it, because it comes out in relief.
§4 Sefaria Logo
It is forbidden to gaze at the image of a person, for it is called a pessel (idol), and this is in violation of the Scripture, "Do not turn to idols." However, with regard to the images on coins, since everyone is accustomed to them, it is permitted. A very pious person is even careful about this.8See Tosafos Avodah Zara 50a.
§5 Sefaria Logo
It is forbidden to make a house modeled after the sanctuary of the Bais HaMikdosh, having the same length, height, and width, or a vestibule modeled after the ulam in the Bais HaMikdosh or a court modeled after the azarah in the Bais HaMikdosh or a table modeled after the Table that was in the Bais HaMikdosh, nor a candelabra modeled after the menorah that was in the Bais HaMikdosh. But you may make one with five stems, or of six or eight (stems), but not of seven stems, even if it is made of metals other than gold,9You are allowed to make one out of wood or pottery, for these are not fitting for the menorah in the Bais HaMikdosh. (Shach 141:35—Rambam etc.) and even without cups, knobs, and flowers, and even if it is not eighteen tefachim high, because all these things were not essential even in the Bais HaMikdosh Menorah.
§6 Sefaria Logo
Some are accustomed to make a seven-branched candelabra by shaping six in a circle and one in the middle. But many Poskim forbid this, and the stricter opinion should be followed when there is doubt regarding a Scriptural prohibition.
§7 Sefaria Logo
Anyone who prepares anointment oil with the same formula and weight as prescribed in the Torah, is liable to the penalty of excisement. If he did it unknowingly, he is liable for a sin-offering, providing he had prepared it with the intention to anoint himself with it. Anyone who prepares incense with the eleven ingredients prescribed in the Torah, and in the same proportion, even if he prepared only one-half, or one-third of that quantity, is liable to the penalty of karess (excisement). If he prepared it for the purpose of making a study of it, he is guiltless.

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